I saw this joke and copied from Readers Digest.
If you are new to onion planting, it’s important that you understand the different ways onions can be planted and when planting should begin.
Cleaning up in the early spring is also a great time to amend a little around each plant with a good compost to freshen the soil around the plant helping with the beneficial bacterias and create some air pockets for the plants roots that has diminished from the compacting of the clay soils.
Peppers take such a long time to germinate and grow I like to start mine in January or February. Most catalogs’ say to start them 8 weeks before the last frost but I like to start and grow them long before then.
By direct sowing, you are doing what Mother Nature does and who does a better job than she? Nature's way is throwing the seeds out in the fall, and as the wind blows, it covers the seed. As she gives us spring moisture and warms the soil, the seeds germinate and start to grow.
Starting seeds indoors in preparation of spring planting in the winter is fun and educational.
Most seeds are easy if you give them what they need.
Guest Post by Julia Duggan - your Iris specialist!
Great tips for spring cleanup to ensure healthy plants
Every spring and summer people ask me, “What can I use to get rid of the grass that is creeping into my garden or flower beds?” I wish it were that easy as waving a wand. Here are some things to try.
The white, pink, and red flowers of early spring are a welcome sight after a long cold dark winter. However, more and more people want the beautiful spring color, but not the fruit. How can you make this happen?